I interviewed the beautiful red head, Arianna Brugnola, to ask about her reflections on coming back to Clark as a junior. Arianna is a Bio-Chemistry major on a Pre-Med track who hails from Italy. She is also the Secretary for the International Students Association.

AN: What was it like coming as a First Year to Clark and has that changed coming back as a junior?
Coming as a first year was scary because I was going far from home, it was all new, and I was coming straight from Italy. I had never lived anywhere else and had never been to an International school. All the schools I went to were taught in Italian so that was a big change. But, now that I’m coming back as a junior, it’s even scarier because now I’m almost done. So the question is what next? I have to start applying to Grad schools or if I am getting a job will I get a visa, will I be able to stay in the US. So all that is probably scarier.
AN: What advice would you give to first year Arianna?
The Italian school system had very few instruments for success whereas here there are counsellors and professors who all want to see you succeed. So my advice would be to use ALL these resources. Don’t be scared to ask for help because you may think you can do it all on your own but you will do so much better with help.
AN: How has your relationship with the US changed over the past 2 years?
When I was first coming to the US I had a very naïve idea of the US, mostly based on movies and pop culture. It was all very idealistic. But when I came I saw the real US, that there is poverty and inequality just as I saw back home in a country that has a much lower GDP.
AN: What did you think of Worcester when you first came and has that changed?
When I got here I was scared. I never imagined that a University like Clark could be in such a “shady” place. Also the city itself was very small which was shocking because back home universities are in big cities. Also during orientation they told us not to walk outside alone, always walk in groups and that was very different o where I grew up in a small town where I could walk outside at night alone. Now though, I’m used to it and I’m happy that I got to live in this harsh reality, in the real world away from the small town I grew up in. It’s been a humbling experience.
AN: What did you like about Clark when you first came and has that changed?
I loved the International community, the diversity, the spirit and the fact that it was accepting, and that hasn’t changed. It’s very different from what I’m used to, Italians are all the same whereas here it’s the opposite and it has really helped me to find myself because I don’t have to conform to anything. It allows me to really express myself. (Anyone who knows Arianna knows she is always excited – this, ladies and gentlemen, is the answer we have been looking for!)
AN: What don’t you like about Clark?
This is more aimed at my major. Clark is a very Geography and Psychology focused school and as a Biochem major, I just wish there were more interesting courses that I could take within my major. Also, the career fairs haven’t really been targeted or accommodating of pre-med students which is understandable because Clark is a liberal arts school but I would like more opportunities for a Biochem major.
AN: What is your favorite physical space on campus and why?
I would have to say the Academic Commons because I’m in the library a lot to study because it’s the only place I can concentrate. But when I need a break, I know I can come downstairs to relax and talk to friends. I am guaranteed to meet at least two friends at any time in the AC.
AN: What is it like being the only Italian on campus?
It is hard because I’m friends with internationals who have their own community within Clark. They are of the same nationality, they meet up to cook and eat their traditional food and they are able to see each other and speak in their own language. So in a way I feel left out because I don’t have that but at the same time it feels good to be unique and to be the only person who can share that perspective from that country.
AN: Any last words on your Clark Journey so far?
(Laughs) It’s been a good ride :)