When I first came to Clark, I tried to look for information on transferring credits and waiving courses but could not find any, so I wanted to compile a blog about this topic to make life easier for Clarkies.
Benefits of being an international students:
You come to the US and you see your friends having the benefits of living near their families and being familiar with their natural language; coming from diverse backgrounds, our strength is in the ability to communicate in multiple languages, and to use them interchangeably without having any difficulties.
As an international, we can waive for a year of LP by taking one course about American literature or American culture and petition for counting it as a LP credit. The most common options that many people have chosen are Jazz History, American Literature, Major American Writer, American Cinema Screen Study, Pop Music in the USA.
You can follow this link to the petition form and fill in with the reason of being an international student and having learned English for A years, and would like to petition to take this X course (American nature) at Clark to count as LP. This form should be brought to Academic Advising Office for approval.
AP and IB credits transfer
For Clark’s IB policy, if we get a 36 composite score or above with each subjects at least 5, we get 8 credits waived which equals one year’s college credit. Your IB record should include at least 3 HL (higher level) classes out of 6 subjects, and the rest can be SL (standard level) classes. But to be counted as a course offered at Clark, the class must be HL with a 5 or higher in the exam. AP credit with a score of 4 or 5 can also be counted as one course at Clark, depending on the subjects. Below is the list of AP and IB courses that are used to waived some of the courses at Clark:

(Table: Author)
The information above is just for reference as case by case, and the final decision of any petition will come from the Academic Advising Office.
More information can be found here at the bottom of this page.