Dec 31, 2016. 12am - New Year Resolutions: Eat healthy, sleep on time and exercise! This new year I’m going to be my fittest self!
Jan 5, 2017. 9:30am - Ughh running. Ughh gym. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze.
This is literally all of us. Well, most of us. I know a few people who have unwavering focus and determination. I don’t think I am one of them.
To start off, we need our exercise routines to be not monotonous and fun. BUT, for a few of us, we haven’t exercised in a few months. So, what can we do to get ourselves to start exercising in the first place?
Here is rundown of how to break yourself out of an exercise rut in six easy steps. Start now!
1. Go on a super cleanse. Not for a week, do it for four weeks. Take it seriously and commit to it. During that period, you must shift your life and really concentrate on winding down and rebooting. Find a good book, a documentary, or catch up on films. Give your body some well-deserved rest and start again on your fitness regimen the next month.
2. Find something you love. Do something as simple as walking if that’s what makes you happy. Don’t think you have to go from a being in a fitness rut and doing nothing to becoming a gym junkie.
3. Find a friend. Once you find something you love, enlist someone to get in cahoots with you because it’s good to have a friend to complain to when you’re not feeling it but also someone who’ll get you up and out. I recently started doing yoga with a friend, and it really helps when you have a friend to push you to be better!
4. Get the right help. See a naturopath and get the right advice on supplements to help you feel more energized. You might also want to do some research or visit a nutritionist so understand how your diet affects your productivity levels.
5. Treat yourself right. When you’re on a health kick you might want to abstain from certain foods and drinks. Commit to a minimum of four weeks. You’ll find that you have a lot of spare time to work out. Catch ups with friends can be arranged around a walk in the park or golf or backyard picnics. Much more valuable and a lot more fun!
6. Find a mantra. Write down what you’re doing, why and what you want to achieve. Make it a clear decision, have it posted somewhere visible – your mirror or on the home screen of your phone and use it as a reminder.
Good luck!